The Shop Will Re-Stock Feb 14th at 9am PST

-Zinnia seeds will re-stock with shipping to the US and Canada (Note new package size of 25 seeds vs 50 seeds).

- New Windfall Flower seeds will be added, including Snapdragons, Celosia, Strawflower, Dahlia, Marigold, Calendula (shipping to Canada Only).

  • Joy

  • Cheer

  • Peace

  • Hope

  • "Barb does some of the most beautiful breeding work out there with zinnias. Windfall Peach was the most requested zinnias by my wedding designers this season. The plants are incredibly hard working and pumped out beautiful blooms for weekly cutting!!"

    - Mary Dondlinger, Frenchstone Gardens

  • "Thank you for restoring my faith in Zinnias! Your blooms are so productive here in Eastern Ontario.  They are super healthy and disease resistant too! "

    - Flower and Fleuve

  • "Absolutely beautiful zinnias and excellent germination! The only zinnias I will be growing."

    -Carmen Wishlow

  • “I have been very pleased with the zinnias from Barb at Windfall Flowers. Her beautiful zinnias were the healthiest of all the zinnias I grow, blooming like crazy, beautiful, and my customers really enjoyed them. My goal is to grow more of them! Thanks Barb for all your breeding work- it matters."

    -Chantal, Atelier ManonSimone

Our Story

Windfall Flowers is a small family-run flower seed farm set in the semi-arid hills of Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. We specialize in breeding zinnias and producing our own seed.

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